Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program: Learn How Does It Work & Other Essential Details

ChargePay Team
January 2, 2024
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The Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program (VDMP) is a globally recognized initiative designed by Visa to oversee and regulate merchants' chargeback activity. 

This program plays a crucial role in identifying and addressing excessive chargebacks or high chargeback rates and safeguarding the integrity of the Visa payment network. It serves as a vital tool in preserving trust and reliability in Visa transactions because it currently processed 3.8 plus trillion dollar transaction .

The Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program is a comprehensive system established by Visa to scrutinize the chargeback activities of merchants. Chargebacks occur when a customer disputes a transaction and the charge is reversed, which can be a common occurrence in the world of commerce or digital services alike. 

However, when these chargebacks reach an excessive level that is 0.9% of chargeback ratio, they can pose a significant problem not only for merchants but also for Visa and its customers.

The primary purpose of VDMP is to keep chargeback levels in check. Excessive chargebacks can indicate potential issues within a merchant's operations, such as inadequate customer service, disputes over goods or services, or fraudulent activities. 

When these chargebacks go unchecked, they can harm the reputation of Visa as a payment network and result in financial losses for all parties involved.

How Does Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program Work?

The Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program (VDMP) operates as a systematic and methodical process to maintain the integrity and reliability of Visa transactions. Here's a step-by-step overview of how the VDMP works:

  1. Monthly Monitoring: Visa continuously monitors merchant chargeback activity every month. This involves keeping a close eye on the number of chargebacks initiated by customers.
  2. Threshold Exceedance: If a merchant's chargeback rate surpasses Visa's predefined thresholds, they will be enrolled in the Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program. This is a crucial checkpoint to identify merchants whose chargeback levels have become a concern.
  3. Notification to Acquirer: Visa promptly notifies the merchant's acquirer, the financial institution responsible for processing the merchant's Visa transactions, about the excessive chargebacks. The acquirer plays a pivotal role in helping the merchant address the issue.
  4. Collaborative Effort: The acquirer collaborates with the merchant to develop a comprehensive chargeback reduction plan. This plan outlines the steps the merchant will take to curtail their chargeback activity.
  5. Plan Implementation: The onus is on the merchant to implement the chargeback reduction plan effectively. This may involve improving customer service, addressing disputes promptly, and taking measures to prevent fraudulent transactions.
  6. Achieving Acceptable Levels: The ultimate goal is for the merchant to reduce their chargebacks to a level acceptable to Visa. This ensures a satisfactory experience for Visa cardholders.
  7. Consequences of Non-Compliance: If the merchant is unable to bring their chargeback levels within acceptable limits, they may face financial penalties or even the termination of their Visa merchant agreement. These consequences are designed to encourage merchants to take chargeback prevention seriously and maintain a reasonable chargeback rate.

The Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program serves as a vital tool for Visa to protect its consumers and payment network. 

By actively monitoring merchant chargeback activity and taking proactive measures against those with excessive chargebacks, Visa helps ensure that consumers can enjoy a positive and reliable experience when using Visa cards.

This program not only maintains the trust and reputation of Visa but also safeguards the interests of merchants and their customers.

What is Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program Threshold?

The VDMP employs a tiered system of thresholds to assess and categorize merchant chargeback activity. These thresholds are designed to identify and address issues of varying severity. Let's get into the three distinct levels of the VDMP:

1. Early Warning Level

This level is triggered when a merchant's chargeback rate reaches 0.65% or higher, with a minimum of 75 chargebacks and $50,000 in gross sales. At this stage, there are no fines, penalties, or fees imposed. 

It serves as a preliminary alert, highlighting the need for the merchant to take corrective action without incurring any immediate financial repercussions.

2. Standard Level

The standard level is activated when a merchant's chargeback rate reaches 0.9% or higher, with a minimum of 100 chargebacks and $75,000 in gross sales. It's essential to distinguish this level from high-risk merchants, as the criteria are the same. 

However, the standard level applies to a broader range of businesses. At this stage, merchants are prompted to focus on chargeback reduction strategies and address the underlying issues contributing to the chargebacks.

3. Excessive Level

The excessive level comes into play when a merchant's chargeback rate climbs to 1.8% or higher, and they accumulate a minimum of 1,000 chargebacks and $250,000 in gross sales. This is the most critical and severe level within the VDMP. 

It signifies a substantial and ongoing problem with chargebacks. Merchants who reach this level are subject to the most rigorous scrutiny, and they must take immediate and comprehensive action to reduce their chargebacks.

The Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program thresholds serve as a crucial benchmark for assessing and addressing merchant chargeback activity. 

These levels help Visa categorize and guide merchants through the process, encouraging them to proactively manage their chargebacks and maintain a healthy transaction environment for Visa cardholders.

Level Chargeback Rate Minimum Chargebacks Minimum Gross Sales Fines/Penalties Description
Early Warning Level 0.65% or higher 75 $50,000 None Preliminary alert to prompt corrective action without immediate financial repercussions.
Standard Level 0.9% or higher 100 $75,000 None Activation for a broader range of businesses, focusing on chargeback reduction strategies and addressing underlying issues contributing to chargebacks.
Excessive Level 1.8% or higher 1,000 $250,000 Rigorous Scrutiny Most critical level, indicating a substantial and ongoing problem with chargebacks. Merchants subject to rigorous scrutiny and must take immediate and comprehensive action to reduce chargebacks.

How to Calculate Your Dispute Ratio?

Understanding and calculating your dispute ratio is crucial to the Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program (VDMP). The dispute ratio is a key metric that helps determine whether your chargeback activity is within acceptable limits. Here's a simplified way to calculate it:

Dispute Ratio = (Number of Chargebacks / Total Visa Transactions) x 100

This formula calculates your dispute ratio as a percentage. It's derived by dividing the number of chargebacks you've received by the total number of Visa transactions you've processed and then multiplying the result by 100.

For instance, if you had 10 chargebacks in a month and processed 1,000 Visa transactions, your dispute ratio would be:

Dispute Ratio = (10 / 1,000) x 100 = 1%

This 1% dispute ratio indicates that 1% of your Visa transactions resulted in chargebacks.

Understanding your dispute ratio is essential because it helps you monitor your chargeback activity and determine whether it falls within the acceptable threshold defined by Visa's VDMP.

VDMP Violations and Notifications

Merchants enrolled in the VDMP need to be aware of the consequences of violating the program's rules. VDMP violations may result in various penalties, including:

  1. Financial Penalties: Visa may impose financial penalties on merchants who violate the VDMP. The severity of these penalties can escalate based on the seriousness of the violation.
  2. Suspension of Processing: Merchants who violate the VDMP may have their processing privileges suspended. This means they will be able to process Visa payments once they address and resolve the issues causing the violation.
  3. Termination of Merchant Agreement: In the most severe cases, Visa may terminate a merchant's agreement, rendering them unable to accept Visa payments in the future.

VDMP Notifications

When a merchant is placed in the VDMP, they will receive a notification from Visa or their acquirer. This notification explains the reason for their placement in the VDMP and provides information on how to develop a chargeback reduction plan.

Merchants already in the VDMP will also receive notifications if their chargeback activity worsens. These notifications offer an opportunity to take corrective action and prevent further penalties. Being responsive to these notifications is essential for merchants to address issues promptly and maintain compliance with the VDMP.

Fine Amount Per Category

The fine amounts associated with Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program (VDMP) violations depend on the category in which the merchant is placed. Here are the fine amounts per category:

  • Standard: $50 per dispute
  • Excessive: $100 per dispute

Additionally, merchants in the VDMP for more than 8 months may be subject to a $25,000 review fee.

It's important to note that the fine amounts mentioned are starting points. The actual fine amount can vary based on the severity of the violation and other factors. 

In addition to fines, Visa may also impose other penalties, such as suspension of processing privileges or termination of the merchant agreement.

As an example, the merchant falls into the "Standard" category of the VDMP. This category is typically for merchants with a moderately high but not excessively high chargeback rate.

Here's the breakdown:

  • The merchant receives 50 chargebacks in a month.
  • The fine calculation is straightforward: $50 per dispute x 50 chargebacks.
  • The fine amount comes to $2,500.

This example illustrates that even in the "Standard" category, where chargeback thresholds are not as high as in the "Excessive" category, having 50 chargebacks in a month results in a significant fine of $2,500. It highlights the financial impact of not effectively managing and reducing chargebacks.

Can Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program Affect Your Business?

The Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program (VDMP) is a significant aspect of the payment landscape for merchants. While it is designed to maintain the integrity of Visa transactions and protect consumers, it can indeed have a profound impact on your business. 

Let's explore how the VDMP can affect your business:

1. Financial Impact

The most immediate effect of the VDMP is the potential financial impact. Merchants who fall into the program's categories may face fines, review fees, or other financial penalties. 

These penalties can vary in severity depending on the merchant's VDMP category and the number of chargebacks they accumulate. This financial burden can directly affect your business's profitability.

2. Losing Processing Privileges

VDMP violations can lead to the suspension of your processing privileges. When your ability to process Visa payments is suspended, it can disrupt your cash flow, affect customer transactions, and hinder your ability to accept one of the most widely used payment methods. This, in turn, can impact your revenue and customer relationships.

3. Merchant Agreement Termination

In severe cases, the VDMP may result in the termination of your Visa merchant agreement. This is a drastic measure that effectively prevents your business from accepting Visa payments altogether. 

The termination of this agreement can have a lasting impact on your business's sustainability, especially if Visa is a significant source of revenue.

4. Operational Distractions

Being in the VDMP and dealing with chargeback-related issues can consume valuable time and resources. Developing chargeback reduction plans, monitoring chargeback activity, and resolving disputes can divert your focus from core business operations and growth initiatives.

5. Reputation and Poor Customer Trust

Excessive chargebacks can damage your reputation as a merchant. It may signal poor customer service, disputes over products or services, or even potential fraudulent activity. 

A tarnished reputation can result in reduced customer trust, impacting long-term customer relationships and loyalty.

6. Operational Changes

To address chargeback issues, you may need to implement operational changes. This could involve improving customer service, enhancing dispute resolution processes, or investing in fraud prevention measures. 

While these changes are essential for VDMP compliance, they may require additional time and resources.

The Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program can have significant consequences for your business, both financially and operationally. Merchants must understand the program's implications and take proactive steps to manage chargebacks effectively. 

Doing so not only helps in avoiding financial penalties but also ensures the continued smooth operation of your business and a positive relationship with Visa and its cardholders.

Exiting VDMP Monitoring Program

Exiting the Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program (VDMP) is an important goal for merchants who have been placed in the program. Here's how you can exit the program and return to standard processing:

1. Threshold Compliance

To exit the VDMP, your merchant account must consistently meet and maintain the chargeback thresholds defined by Visa for the "Standard" category for three consecutive months. These thresholds typically include specific dispute count and dispute ratio limits.

2. Compliance Evaluation

Each month, Visa will evaluate your merchant account to determine if it meets the compliance criteria. If either your dispute count or dispute ratio falls below the defined thresholds, you will be considered compliant for that month.

3. Automatic Removal

Once you have achieved compliance for three consecutive months, you will be automatically removed from the VDMP. This signifies that your chargeback activity is within acceptable limits, and you can resume standard Visa processing without the added scrutiny.

4. Continued Vigilance

It's essential to maintain vigilance even after exiting the program. Any future violations or instances of exceeding the chargeback thresholds can result in your re-enrollment in the VDMP.

5. Re-enrollment

If, at any point, your dispute count or dispute ratio surpasses the defined thresholds again, you may be placed back in the VDMP. Therefore, continuing your chargeback prevention efforts is crucial to avoid reenrollment.

Exiting the VDMP signifies a return to standard processing and the resolution of chargeback issues. It underscores the importance of actively managing your chargeback activity and maintaining compliance with Visa's thresholds to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted merchant experience.

12 Steps to Follow If You Are Enrolled in VDMP

If your business finds itself enrolled in the Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program (VDMP), it's essential to take immediate and decisive action to address the issue. Here are the steps to follow if you find your business in this situation:

  1. Review the Notification: When you receive a notification that your business has been placed in the VDMP, carefully review the information provided. Understand the reason for your placement in the program and the specific chargeback thresholds you've exceeded.
  2. Contact Your Acquirer: Reach out to your acquirer, the financial institution responsible for processing your Visa transactions. Your acquirer is a key partner in helping you navigate the VDMP process. They can provide guidance, answer questions, and assist you in developing a chargeback reduction plan.
  3. Develop a Chargeback Reduction Plan: Work with your acquirer to create a comprehensive chargeback reduction plan. This plan should outline the steps and strategies you'll implement to reduce chargebacks and address the underlying issues. Ensure that your plan is clear, actionable, and tailored to your specific business.
  4. Implement the Plan: Once you have a chargeback reduction plan in place, start implementing it. Address customer service issues, disputes, and any operational challenges contributing to excessive chargebacks. It's crucial to take proactive steps to reduce future chargebacks.
  5. Monitor Progress: Regularly monitor your progress in reducing chargebacks. Track the effectiveness of your chargeback reduction strategies and make adjustments as needed. Open communication with your acquirer is vital during this phase.
  6. Respond to Notifications: If you're already in the VDMP and receive notifications from Visa or your acquirer indicating that your chargeback activity is worsening, act promptly. Use these notifications as an opportunity to assess and address issues before they escalate.
  7. Maintain Compliance: Comply with the terms and conditions outlined by Visa's VDMP. This includes achieving and maintaining acceptable chargeback levels for your category.
  8. Customer Service Improvement: Enhance your customer service and dispute resolution processes to prevent future chargebacks. Swiftly address customer concerns and disputes to prevent them from escalating to chargebacks.
  9. Fraud Prevention Measures: Implement effective fraud prevention measures to reduce fraudulent transactions, which are a common cause of chargebacks. This may involve enhancing security protocols and transaction monitoring.
  10. Regular Communication: Maintain open and regular communication with your acquirer. Your acquirer is your partner in this process and can offer guidance and support as you work to address chargeback issues.
  11. Periodic Review: Periodically review and assess your chargeback reduction plan to ensure its continued effectiveness. As your business evolves, so should your strategies for reducing chargebacks.
  12. Documentation: Keep thorough records of all your efforts to reduce chargebacks and your compliance with VDMP requirements. These records can be valuable if you need to demonstrate your commitment to compliance.

By following these steps, your business can navigate the challenges of the Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program effectively. 

Taking a proactive approach and working closely with your acquirer are key factors in returning to compliance, reducing financial penalties, and maintaining your ability to accept Visa payments.

Does have High Win Rate Reduce The Chargeback Rate in Visa Program?

While Visa may not explicitly factor in the win rate, a pertinent question arises: Can a consistently high win rate serve as a proactive strategy for businesses to mitigate chargeback issues within the Visa program?

In theory, a high win rate, achieved through successfully disputing chargebacks and resolving customer disputes in favor of the merchant, can indirectly contribute to a lower chargeback rate. By consistently winning disputes, a business may manage to keep its chargeback rate below the critical 1% threshold, reducing the risk of warnings, fines, and potential account termination within the Visa program.

13 Tips for Better Chargeback Management to Avoid VDMP

Effectively managing and preventing chargebacks is essential for maintaining a healthy merchant-acquirer relationship and avoiding penalties.

Here are some tips to improve your chargeback management and prevention strategies:

1. Chargeback Alerts

Consider using a chargeback alert service or system. These services provide real-time notifications when a customer initiates a chargeback, allowing you to address the issue promptly and potentially resolve it before it escalates.

2. Chargeback Management Companies

Explore the services of chargeback management companies. These specialized firms can help you navigate the complexities of chargeback disputes, develop effective prevention strategies, and handle the entire chargeback process on your behalf.

3. Enhanced Customer Service

Invest in robust customer service. Respond to customer inquiries and concerns promptly, address issues, and provide clear communication. Satisfied customers are less likely to resort to chargebacks.

4. Dispute Resolution Procedures

Establish effective dispute resolution procedures. Ensure that customer complaints and disputes are resolved swiftly and fairly. A well-handled dispute can prevent it from evolving into a chargeback.

5. Address Fraud Prevention

Implement stringent fraud prevention measures. Utilize advanced security protocols, address potential vulnerabilities, and monitor transactions for signs of fraudulent activity.

6. Data Analytics

Utilize data analytics to identify patterns or trends in chargebacks. Analyzing data can help you pinpoint recurring issues and address them proactively.

7. Transaction Documentation

Maintain thorough transaction records and documentation. Having clear records can be invaluable when responding to chargebacks or demonstrating compliance with VDMP requirements.

8. Communication

Maintain open communication with your acquirer. Regularly update them on the actions you're taking to reduce chargebacks and stay compliant with VDMP thresholds.

9. Training and Education

Train your staff to handle customer disputes effectively and identify potential fraud. Well-informed employees can play a significant role in chargeback prevention.

10. Review and Adjust

Regularly review your chargeback management and prevention strategies. As your business evolves, so should your approach to address emerging challenges.

11. Customer Feedback

Collect and analyze customer feedback to identify areas where your business can improve. Feedback can be a valuable source of insights for enhancing your operations and reducing chargebacks.

12. Consistency

Be consistent in your practices. Consistency in policies and procedures can prevent misunderstandings and reduce disputes.

13. Stay Informed

Stay informed about industry trends, best practices, and changes in payment card regulations. Awareness of evolving circumstances can help you adapt and improve your chargeback prevention strategies.

By implementing these tips, your business can proactively managing chargebacks, reduce financial penalties, and maintain a strong relationship with your acquirer and Visa, ultimately ensuring a positive experience for your customers.

Want Experts Technology to Manage Chargebacks While You Sleep?

Are you seeking a cutting-edge solution to effortlessly manage chargebacks and recover revenue, even while you sleep? Look no further than ChargePay, the world's most advanced AI and ML-driven chargeback management system designed for businesses like yours.

Seamless Integration: ChargePay seamlessly integrates with over 30 payment processors, offering you a hassle-free way to initiate automatic chargeback management and recovery processes, all with just a few clicks. No manual interventions are required!

Unmatched Efficiency: With the power of AI and ML, ChargePay offers an impressive 3.5X win rate, ensuring that you recover a substantial portion of your disputed funds. This translates to a remarkable 4 times return on investment (ROI), providing a significant boost to your bottom line.

Success Rate: ChargePay boasts an outstanding 80 percent success rate in handling chargeback disputes. This remarkable success rate is a testament to its robust and effective technology.

Comprehensive Payment Analysis: ChargePay goes beyond simple dispute resolution. It thoroughly analyzes your entire payment system, identifying areas for improvement and suggesting easy-to-implement actions. These insights not only help in chargeback management but also contribute to overall financial stability.

Reducing Friendly Fraud: ChargePay's advanced technology is adept at reducing the occurrence of friendly fraud and other chargeback incidents. By identifying and addressing the root causes of chargebacks, helps you build a more secure and customer-friendly payment environment.

Incorporating ChargePay into your chargeback management strategy means gaining access to an industry-leading tool that works tirelessly to safeguard your revenue, enhance your financial stability, and minimize the impact of chargebacks on your business. With ChargePay, you can rest assured that you have an expert ally managing chargebacks on your behalf, so you can focus on what you do best—growing your business.

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