Refocus on the Student Experience & Learning

Simplify your education business and save money with ChargePay. Our technology handles chargebacks, so you can focus on growing your educational operations.

Starts with $0 monthly fee🎉

Empower E-Learning Businesses to Avoid Chargebacks and Disputes

  • Frequent non-delivery of services chargebacks caused by internet and payment processor issues.
  • Complex refund requests from dissatisfied customers can lead to disputes.
  • Managing varying course durations and access levels can be confusing, resulting in chargebacks.
  • Students sometimes forget or dispute recurring subscription charges for ongoing courses.
  • Distinguishing between legitimate refund requests and fraudulent claims requires careful scrutiny.

Key Benefits for Online Educators & Courses Sellers

  • Boost revenue recovery with an 80% success rate in chargeback wins.
  • Save over 30 hours weekly in manual chargeback handling.
  • Leverage AI-powered automation for faster and smarter chargeback resolutions.
  • Maintain a seamless learning experience, avoiding 75% of lost revenue due to disputes.

Explore the new way to Manage Chargebacks

With ChargePay, you can shift your focus to more important aspects of your business such as making a better product, delivering exceptional experience, and growing your customer base.

Frequently asked questions

Have other questions? Contact us and we would love to help!

Does ChargePay guarantee a win-rate?
How do you keep our data safe and protected?
Is there a satisfaction guarantee with ChargePay?
Let’s get started 🎉

Win more chargebacks, reclaim lost revenue

Our 100% AI-powered automation ensures swift resolution, so you can focus on growing your business with confidence. Experience the ChargePay difference today!