Reduce Gaming Revenue Losses with ChargePay Chargeback Management

Did you know that ChargePay can help you reduce gaming revenue losses by up to 80%? Discover how our advanced AI-driven chargeback management solution can safeguard your game revenues and drive growth in your gaming business.

Starts with $0 monthly fee🎉

Effortlessly Manage Chargebacks in Online Gaming Operations

  • Addressing chargebacks linked to virtual items, in-game currency, and subscription services in the gaming sector
  • Tackling the complexities of chargebacks due to evolving game content and purchases
  • Handling disputes arising from account compromises and fraudulent transactions specific to the gaming industry
  • Dealing with the intricacies of microtransactions and digital goods in chargeback cases
  • Navigating the challenge of chargebacks resulting from player disputes and dissatisfaction
  • Managing the unique chargeback issues associated with online multiplayer games and esports

Unlock Business Advantages for Gaming Studios and Indie Developers

  • Streamline chargeback management with ChargePay's AI-driven automation
  • Recover up to 80% of lost gaming revenue with ChargePay's proven success rate
  • Enhance credibility with payment providers and issuers by consistently winning chargebacks
  • Focus on game development, not chargeback disputes, as ChargePay handles disputes in real-time
  • Effortlessly integrate ChargePay with leading payment processors, including PayPal, Shopify, and Stripe
  • Gain deep insights into chargeback data to improve your win rates and revenue protection
  • Boost your gaming brand's reputation and profitability by reducing revenue losses with ChargePay
  • Experience a 3.5X higher rate of successful chargeback wins, surpassing industry averages

The new way with AI

With ChargePay, you can redirect your attention to critical gaming business priorities like refining your product, providing exceptional player experiences, and expanding your loyal customer base, while we handle the complexities of your gaming chargeback management.

Frequently asked questions

Have other questions? Contact us and we would love to help!

Does ChargePay guarantee a win-rate?
Are there any contracts, minimum fees or setup fees?
Which payment platforms does ChargePay support?
Let’s get started 🎉

Win more chargebacks, reclaim lost revenue

Our 100% AI-powered automation ensures swift resolution, so you can focus on growing your business with confidence. Experience the ChargePay difference today!